YouTube and the News Industry
YouTube is committed to enabling the future of video journalism.
Sustainability Lab
YouTube's Sustainability Lab supports news organizations as they build sustainable digital video business models across a variety of themes
Digital-First Newsrooms
Reklamní strategie
User Revenue
Cost Savings
Creator Program for Independent Journalists
YouTube’s creator program helps journalists thrive independently and sustainably on YouTube by providing training, grants, and dedicated partner support.
Supporting the News Industry
Through the Google News Initiative, we’re partnering with news organizations around the globe and helping them build a sustainable and robust news video ecosystem.
Case Studies
Learn how news organizations all over the world are strengthening video capabilities, experimenting with different formats, and exploring new ways to drive revenue.
El Universal
To accelerate digital video growth, the Mexican publisher integrated YouTube’s customizable video player into its O&O sites
South China Morning Post
Turning the page: How a traditional newspaper became a multimedia brand
De Telegraaf
Telegraaf Media Groep built a YouTube strategy around content and Partner Sales to increase their revenue
How live commentary helped PBS NewsHour drive engagement and growth
Ciaopeople's recipe for 24/7 live stream success
Thairath wants to solve digital video rights management with their Thaistringer online platform
Video News Best Practices
Are you getting the most out of YouTube? Use these best practices guidelines to help improve the performance of your news videos and channels.
Best practices and content formats for those looking to get started on YouTube.
Five fundamentals to guide your YouTube strategy