Our products
We build products to meet the needs of news organizations and help them grow their digital businesses.
Google products address many challenges in news publishing: content distribution, revenue growth, data and infrastructure management, and reporting.
AMP is an open-source tool for building websites and ads that are consistently fast, beautiful, and high-performing across devices and distribution platforms.
Google で購読
This suite of products helps news publishers build sustainable digital businesses by growing direct consumer revenue streams through subscription and user retention.
News on Google
Google connects you to news content through a variety of products and experiences, including Google News, Search, Discover, the Assistant, and YouTube.
Google のサービスは、近年複雑さを増すデジタル エコシステムの活用をサポートし、あらゆるプラットフォームで高品質のコンテンツを提供することができます。
Google 検索
Search has evolved beyond ten blue links. Today, we deliver news partners' content in faster, more interactive ways with features like structured data, app indexing, and AMP.
Google アシスタント
Integration with Google Assistant engages users through Google Home, select Android phones and other devices.
ファクト チェック
Fact Check tags on articles help readers find vetted reporting around major news events.
A feature of AdSense, Matched Content helps publishers promote their content and increase reader engagement.
AMP stories
AMP Stories は、タップ可能な全画面表示型のコンテンツで、読者の関心を引き付けるのに最適です。AMP プロジェクトの可能性を基盤とするこのフォーマットを使えば、読み込みが速く、誰でも簡単に使える、ユーザー中心の映像コンテンツを作成できます。
プログレッシブ ウェブアプリ(PWA)
These reliable, fast, engaging web experiences feature device-level capabilities such as offline reading, add to homescreen, and push notifications.
Google ニュース
News organizations can extend their reach and grow their audiences by publishing on Google News.
Growing revenue
Growing revenue is of critical concern for news partners across the world. Our products focus on providing faster ad experiences, more beautiful ad formats, programmatic innovation, and new business models beyond ads.
Google Ad Manager
Google Ad Manager helps publishers scale and monetize their storytelling across every customer interaction — from connected TVs to mobile apps and everything in between.
AdMob makes earning revenue easy with in-app ads, actionable insights, and powerful, easy-to-use tools that grow your app business.
AMP is fundamentally changing the way ads are built, delivered and measured on the web, making them faster and minimizing disruptions for users. This increases viewability and click-through rates to improve monetization.
Google Partners プログラム
Google Partners Program is a certification program that allows resellers of Google Marketing Solutions like Google Ads, YouTube, and Google Display Network, to offer tools to local and small business customers.
Google アンケート モニター
Publishers can use Google Opinion Rewards to earn additional revenue by showing short, user-friendly surveys in exchange for access to their content.
Payment Request API
Publishers can make checkout flows easier, faster, and more consistent for their users with our payment solutions.
Play アプリ内課金
Google Play's subscription platform gives you the tools and actionable intelligence to grow your subscription business.
YT Player for Publishers Program
The YouTube Player for Publishers Program (PfP) lets creators monetize their content on YouTube by earning money from ads served on their videos and from YouTube Red subscribers watching their content.
Managing data and infrastructure
Our products enable news partners to use our data, platforms, and capability to fuel their own digital transformation.
Android Instant Apps
Android Instant Apps は、リンクを 1 回タップするだけで、アプリをインストールしなくてもそのコンテンツにアクセスできるようにする機能です。アプリの魅力が伝わりやすくなり、エンゲージメントを高めることができます。
Google Cloud Platform
GCP offers infrastructure and data solutions to empower publishers through advanced analytics, audience insights, and improved cloud storage.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics makes it easy to understand how your site and app users are engaging with your content, so you know what’s working and what’s not.
G Suite
GSuite is a product suite for organizations of all sizes facilitating communication, storage, and collaboration. It includes Gmail, Calendars, Docs and Drive.
Google の各種サービスを通じて、報道やストーリーテリングにおける新たな手法を提供します。